From Sexy starlets lighting the ramp on fire to a grand finale with Bollywood megastar Salman Khan, Gitanjali's 15th anniversary gala was quite an extravagant affair. The glitterati of Bollywood strolled into the Renaissance Hotel in Powai, Mumbai to celebrate 15 years of business as India's leading jewelry company. The highlight of the event was a glamorous star-studded fashion show. B-town's best walked the ramped donning some exquisite pieces.
To commemorate their years of business Gitanjali introduced a new line of Jewelry called IIFA Bling, "The Bollywood Jewelry for the IIFAs". The leading men and women of Bollywood wore the new line of exquisite pieces with grace and style. Some of the top designers displayed on the runway included Neeta Lulla, Vikram Phadnis and Rocky S. Everyone involved played a vital role in increasing the extravagance of the festivities.
Aside from the fun and fashion there had to be some gossip in order to make it an official Page 3 event! So what was the industry buzzing about throughout the night? Well sources tell us that most of the chatter was quite positive until poor Neetu Chandra tripped and almost fell on stage while she hosted the event. Might not sound like that big of a deal, but when you are filled with a room full of socialites who also need something to talk about, it's never fun being the one picked on!
To commemorate their years of business Gitanjali introduced a new line of Jewelry called IIFA Bling, "The Bollywood Jewelry for the IIFAs". The leading men and women of Bollywood wore the new line of exquisite pieces with grace and style. Some of the top designers displayed on the runway included Neeta Lulla, Vikram Phadnis and Rocky S. Everyone involved played a vital role in increasing the extravagance of the festivities.
Aside from the fun and fashion there had to be some gossip in order to make it an official Page 3 event! So what was the industry buzzing about throughout the night? Well sources tell us that most of the chatter was quite positive until poor Neetu Chandra tripped and almost fell on stage while she hosted the event. Might not sound like that big of a deal, but when you are filled with a room full of socialites who also need something to talk about, it's never fun being the one picked on!
Celina Jaitley in Neeta Lulla
Things weren't all bad for Miss Chandra. She hosted the event alongside Cyrus Broacha who, like always, kept the crowd laughing. The two were great hosts for the night but the focus, of course, was on the star-studded fashion show.
Bollywood's best floating down the ramp in glamorous Desi attire is what really made this a night to remember. Bipasha Basu looked stunning in her sexy white lengha designed by Rocky S. It was B-town's starlet though, Celina Jaitley who stole the spotlight in her deep red lengha, which she wore for Neeta Lulla. Neil Nitin Mukesh receives an honorable mention as he got all the young teen girls screaming as he hit the ramp sporting some "IIFA Bling".
Overall, the fashion show was stunning and the audience absolutely loved its grand finale, featuring Gitanjali's brand ambassador Salman Khan walking the ramp.
Bollywood's best floating down the ramp in glamorous Desi attire is what really made this a night to remember. Bipasha Basu looked stunning in her sexy white lengha designed by Rocky S. It was B-town's starlet though, Celina Jaitley who stole the spotlight in her deep red lengha, which she wore for Neeta Lulla. Neil Nitin Mukesh receives an honorable mention as he got all the young teen girls screaming as he hit the ramp sporting some "IIFA Bling".
Overall, the fashion show was stunning and the audience absolutely loved its grand finale, featuring Gitanjali's brand ambassador Salman Khan walking the ramp.
Sameera Reddy in Vikram Phadnis
Prachi Desai in Neeta Lulla
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